We offer several convenient ways to place orders. Orders can be placed by email, fax, phone or online. You may contact us at anytime for ordering or assistance.
Order by email: order@signalwayantibody.com
Order by fax: 1-301-446-2413
Order by phone: 1-301-446-2499
Download Here for ordering template.
You can also place order online at any time. Please see the instructions below for more details.
Shipping and Tracking:
We can ship packages by FedEx, DHL or UPS. Most orders for in-stock items begin the order process as soon as your purchase is completed. We will deliver all orders within 7-10 working days of your payment being received. Shipping cost varies according to your region or country.
Track Your Order:
After your item is dispatched, the tracking number will be sent to you via email and be valid for you to check within 48 hours of your receiving the email.