Involved in the costimulatory signal essential for T-cell receptor (TCR)-mediated T-cell activation. Its binding to DPP4 induces T-cell proliferation and NF-kappa-B activation in a T-cell receptor,CD3-dependent manner. May act as a scaffolding protein within caveolar mbranes. Interacts directly with G-protein alpha subunits and can functionally regulate their activity. Recruits CTNNB1 to caveolar mbranes and may regulate CTNNB1-mediated signaling through the Wnt pathway.
Comparative analyses of multi-species sequences from targeted genomic regions.Thomas J.W., Touchman J.W., Blakesley R.W., Bouffard G.G., Beckstrom-Sternberg S.M., Margulies E.H., Blanchette M., Siepel A.C., Thomas P.J., McDowell J.C., Maskeri B., Hansen N.F., Schwartz M.S., Weber R.J., Kent W.J., Karolchik D., Bruen T.C., Bevan R. , Cutler D.J., Schwartz S., Elnitski L., Idol J.R., Prasad A.B., Lee-Lin S.-Q., Maduro V.V.B., Summers T.J., Portnoy M.E., Dietrich N.L., Akhter N., Ayele K., Benjamin B., Cariaga K., Brinkley C.P., Brooks S.Y., Granite S., Guan X., Gupta J., Haghighi P., Ho S.-L., Huang M.C., Karlins E., Laric P.L., Legaspi R., Lim M.J., Maduro Q.L., Masiello C.A., Mastrian S.D., McCloskey J.C., Pearson R., Stantripop S., Tiongson E.E., Tran J.T., Tsurgeon C., Vogt J.L., Walker M.A., Wetherby K.D., Wiggins L.S., Young A.C., Zhang L.-H., Osoegawa K., Zhu B., Zhao B., Shu C.L., De Jong P.J., Lawrence C.E., Smit A.F., Chakravarti A., Haussler D., Green P., Miller W., Green E.D.Nature 424:788-793(2003)
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