Ubiquitin-like modifier involved in cytoplasm to vacuole transport (Cvt) vesicles and autophagosomes formation. With ATG4, mediates the delivery of the vesicles and autophagosomes to the vacuole via the microtubule cytoskeleton. Required for selective autophagic degradation of the nucleus (nucleophagy) as well as for mitophagy which contributes to regulate mitochondrial quantity and quality by eliminating the mitochondria to a basal level to fulfill cellular energy requirents and preventing excess ROS production. Participates also in mbrane fusion events that take place in the early secretory pathway. Also involved in endoplasmic reticulum-specific autophagic process and is essential for the survival of cells subjected to severe ER stress. The ATG8-PE conjugate mediates tethering between adjacent mbranes and stimulates mbrane hifusion, leading to expansion of the autophagosomal mbrane during autophagy .
Genome evolution in yeasts.Dujon B., Sherman D., Fischer G., Durrens P., Casaregola S., Lafontaine I., de Montigny J., Marck C., Neuveglise C., Talla E., Goffard N., Frangeul L., Aigle M., Anthouard V., Babour A., Barbe V., Barnay S., Blanchin S. , Beckerich J.-M., Beyne E., Bleykasten C., Boisrame A., Boyer J., Cattolico L., Confanioleri F., de Daruvar A., Despons L., Fabre E., Fairhead C., Ferry-Dumazet H., Groppi A., Hantraye F., Hennequin C., Jauniaux N., Joyet P., Kachouri R., Kerrest A., Koszul R., Lemaire M., Lesur I., Ma L., Muller H., Nicaud J.-M., Nikolski M., Oztas S., Ozier-Kalogeropoulos O., Pellenz S., Potier S., Richard G.-F., Straub M.-L., Suleau A., Swennen D., Tekaia F., Wesolowski-Louvel M., Westhof E., Wirth B., Zeniou-Meyer M., Zivanovic Y., Bolotin-Fukuhara M., Thierry A., Bouchier C., Caudron B., Scarpelli C., Gaillardin C., Weissenbach J., Wincker P., Souciet J.-L.Nature 430:35-44(2004)
Research Topic:Others