Thiol protease that cleaves IL-1 beta between an Asp and an Ala, releasing the mature cytokine which is involved in a variety of inflammatory processes. Important for defense against pathogens. Cleaves and activates sterol regulatory elent binding proteins (SREBPs). Can also promote apoptosis.
A novel heterodimeric cysteine protease is required for interleukin-1 beta processing in monocytes.Thornberry N.A., Bull H.G., Calaycay J.R., Chapman K.T., Howard A.D., Kostura M.J., Miller D.K., Molineaux S.M., Weidner J.R., Aunins J., Elliston K.O., Ayala J.M., Casano F.J., Chin J., Ding G.J.-F., Egger L.A., Gaffney E.P., Limjuco G. , Palyha O.C., Raju M., Rolando A.M., Salley J.P., Yamin T.-T., Lee T.D., Shively J.E., McCross M., Mumford R.A., Schmidt J.A., Tocci M.J.Nature 356:768-774(1992)
Research Topic:Apoptosis