Complement-activating protein in cobra venom. It is a structural and functional analog of complement component C3b, the activated form of C3. It binds factor B (CFB), which is subsequently cleaved by factor D (CFD) to form the bimolecular complex CVF,Bb. CVF,Bb is a C3,C5 convertase that cleaves both complement components C3 and C5. Structurally, it resembles the C3b degradation product C3c, which is not able to form a C3,C5 convertase. Unlike C3b,Bb, CVF,Bb is a stable complex and completely resistant to the actions of complement regulatory factors H (CFH) and I (CFI). Therefore, CVF continuously activates complement resulting in the depletion of complement activity.
"Molecular cloning and derived primary structure of cobra venom factor."Fritzinger D.C., Bredehorst R., Vogel C.-W.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 91:12775-12779(1994)
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