Protects DNA from oxidative damage by sequestering intracellular Fe2+ ion and storing it in the form of Fe3+ oxyhydroxide mineral. One hydrogen peroxide oxidizes two Fe2+ ions, which prevents hydroxyl radical production by the Fenton reaction (By similarity). Required for the survival in the presence of oxidative stress. Dps is also a virulence factor that activates neutrophils, mast cells and monocytes. It binds to neutrophil-glycosphingolipids and to sulfated carbohydrates on mucin. It might have a role in the accumulation of neutrophils and monocytes at the site of infection. Induces superoxide anion generation, adhesion and chemotaxis of neutrophils, through a pertussis toxin-sensitive pathway involving MAP kinases.
"Identification of four new prokaryotic bacterioferritins, from Helicobacter pylori, Anabaena variabilis, Bacillus subtilis and Treponema pallidum, by analysis of gene sequences."Evans D.J. Jr., Evans D.G., Lampert H.C., Nakano H.Gene 153:123-127(1995)
Research Topic:Microbiology