Membrane-associated protein kinase that phosphorylates on serine and threonine residues. In vitro substrates include DRG1, ENO1 and EIF4EBP1. Also autophosphorylates. May be involved in secretory vesicle trafficking or intracellular signaling. May have a role in regulating stromal-epithelial interactions that occur during ductal morphogenesis in the mammary gland. May be involved in TGF-beta signaling. Able to autophosphorylate on Tyr residue; it is however unclear whether it has tyrosine-protein kinase toward other proteins.
"A novel transcriptional factor with Ser,Thr kinase activity involved in the transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta signalling pathway."
Ohta S., Takeuchi M., Deguchi M., Tsuji T., Gahara Y., Nagata K.
Biochem. J. 350:395-404(2000)
Research Topic:Signal Transduction