Published Papers
DHCR24 Promotes Melanoma Stem-Like Cells Formation and Mediates Vemurafenib Resistance by Accumulating 27-Hydroxycholesterol, , (2021),
7?dehydrocholesterol suppresses melanoma cell proliferation and invasion via Akt1/NF?kB signaling,In Oncol Lett on 2020 Dec by Jia Liu, Feiliang Zhong, et al..PMID: 33193858, , (2020),
PMID: 33193858
NVD-BM-mediated genetic biosensor triggers accumulation of 7-dehydrocholesterol and inhibits melanoma via Akt1/NF-?B signaling. In Aging (Albany NY) on 2020 Jul 25 by Jia Liu, Lei Cao, et al..PMID: 32712598, , (2020),
PMID: 32712598
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