The small Ras related protein Ran, also called TC4, is a nuclear localized GTPase implicated in a diverse array of cellular processes including DNA replication, entry into and exit from mitosis and the transport of RNA and proteins through the nuclear pore complex. Like Ras, active Ran GTP and inactive Ran GDP levels are tightly regulated by guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) and GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs). The abundant GEF RCC1 (regulator of chromosome condensation 1) increases the rate at which Ran exchanges GDP for GTP. Ran GAP1 opposes the effects of RCC1 by increasing the rate at which Ran hydrolyzes GTP to GDP. A protein designated Ran BP1 has no intrinsic GAP activity and functions as a GEF inhibitor deactivating RCC1 and thereby indirectly increasing the ratio of Ran GDP to Ran GTP. Ran BP2 has been proposed as the Ran GTP docking site at the periphery of the nuclear pore complex.