Published Papers
Microautophagy regulated by STK38 and GABARAPs is essential to repair lysosomes and prevent aging In EMBO RepOn2023 Dec 6byMonami Ogura , Tatsuya Kaminishi et al..PMID:37987447, , (2023),
PMID: 37987447
NDR1 increases NOTCH1 signaling activity by impairing Fbw7 mediated NICD degradation to enhance breast cancer stem cell properties.In Mol Med. 2022 May 4 by Ling-Ling Wang, Xiao-Yun Wan, et al..PMID:35508987, , (2022),
PMID: 35508987
Prevention of calpaIn-dependent degradation of STK38 by MEKK2-mediated phosphorylation. In Sci Rep on 2019 Nov 5 by Enomoto A, Fukasawa T,et al..PMID:31690749, , (2019),
PMID: 31690749
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