The eukaryotic PDZ domain is a multifunctional protein-protein interacting motif that is found in a variety of proteins and is involved in both the clustering of signaling molecules and the organization of protein networks. GIPC2 (GIPC PDZ domain containing family, member 2), also known as SEMCAP2, is a 315 amino acid protein that localizes to the cytoplasm and contains one PDZ domain. Expressed at high levels in kidney and colon and at lower levels in adult liver, GIPC2 interacts with SEMA5A and is thought to function as a scaffold protein, possibly modulating cell adhesion and growth factor signaling and playing a role in tumorigenesis. The gene encoding GIPC2 maps to human chromosome 1, which spans 260 million base pairs, contains over 3,000 genes and comprises nearly 8% of the human genome.