Dioxygenase that repairs alkylated DNA containing 1-methyladenine (1meA) and 3-methylcytosine (3meC) by oxidative dethylation. Has a strong preference for single-stranded DNA. Able to process alkylated 3mC within double-stranded regions via its interaction with ASCC3, which promotes DNA unwinding to generate single-stranded substrate needed for ALKHB3. May also act on RNA. Requires molecular oxygen, alpha-ketoglutarate and iron.
Homo sapiens mRNA expressed in prostate cancer and thymus.Tsujikawa K., Konishi N., Ono Y., Ichijou T., Sakamoto K., Yamamoto H. NIEHS SNPs programHuman chromosome 11 DNA sequence and analysis including novel gene identification.Taylor T.D., Noguchi H., Totoki Y., Toyoda A., Kuroki Y., Dewar K., Lloyd C., Itoh T., Takeda T., Kim D.-W., She X., Barlow K.F., Bloom T., Bruford E., Chang J.L., Cuomo C.A., Eichler E., FitzGerald M.G. , Jaffe D.B., LaButti K., Nicol R., Park H.-S., Seaman C., Sougnez C., Yang X., Zimmer A.R., Zody M.C., Birren B.W., Nusbaum C., Fujiyama A., Hattori M., Rogers J., Lander E.S., Sakaki Y.Nature 440:497-500(2006)
Research Topic:Epigenetics and Nuclear Signaling