Mediates pre-mRNA alternative splicing regulation. Acts either as activator or repressor of splicing on specific pre-mRNA targets. Inhibits cardiac troponin-T (TNNT2) pre-mRNA exon inclusion but induces insulin receptor (IR) pre-mRNA exon inclusion in muscle. Antagonizes the alternative splicing activity pattern of CELF proteins. Regulates the TNNT2 exon 5 skipping through competition with U2AF2. Inhibits the formation of the spliceosome A complex on intron 4 of TNNT2 pre-mRNA. Binds to the st-loop structure within the polypyrimidine tract of TNNT2 intron 4 during spliceosome assbly. Binds to the 5'-YGCU(U,G)Y-3'consensus sequence. Binds to the IR RNA. Binds to expanded CUG repeat RNA, which folds into a hairpin structure containing GC base pairs and bulged, unpaired U residues.
Muscleblind localizes to nuclear foci of aberrant RNA in myotonic dystrophy types 1 and 2.Mankodi A., Urbinati C.R., Yuan Q.P., Moxley R.T., Sansone V., Krym M., Henderson D., Schalling M., Swanson M.S., Thornton C.A.Hum. Mol. Genet. 10:2165-2170(2001)
Research Topic:Transcription