Involved in redox regulation of the cell. Reduces peroxides with reducing equivalents provided through the thioredoxin syst but not from glutaredoxin. May play an important role in eliminating peroxides generated during metabolism. Might participate in the signaling cascades of growth factors and tumor necrosis factor-alpha by regulating the intracellular concentrations of H2O2. Reduces an intramolecular disulfide bond in GDPD5 that gates the ability to GDPD5 to drive postmitotic motor neuron differentiation .
A human cDNA corresponding to a gene overexpressed during cell proliferation encodes a product sharing homology with amoebic and bacterial proteins.Prosperi M.T., Ferbus D., Karczinski I., Goubin G.J. Biol. Chem. 268:11050-11056(1993)
Research Topic:Metabolism