May be involved in gene regulation within neural lineage cells potentially by direct DNA binding or by binding to other transcription factors.
Human chromosome 11 DNA sequence and analysis including novel gene identification.Taylor T.D., Noguchi H., Totoki Y., Toyoda A., Kuroki Y., Dewar K., Lloyd C., Itoh T., Takeda T., Kim D.-W., She X., Barlow K.F., Bloom T., Bruford E., Chang J.L., Cuomo C.A., Eichler E., FitzGerald M.G. , Jaffe D.B., LaButti K., Nicol R., Park H.-S., Seaman C., Sougnez C., Yang X., Zimmer A.R., Zody M.C., Birren B.W., Nusbaum C., Fujiyama A., Hattori M., Rogers J., Lander E.S., Sakaki Y.Nature 440:497-500(2006)
Research Topic:Metabolism