Mitochondrial mbrane ATP synthase (F1F0 ATP synthase or Complex V) produces ATP from ADP in the presence of a proton gradient across the mbrane which is generated by electron transport complexes of the respiratory chain. F-type ATPases consist of two structural domains, F1 - containing the extrambraneous catalytic core and F0 - containing the mbrane proton channel, linked together by a central stalk and a peripheral stalk. During catalysis, ATP synthesis in the catalytic domain of F1 is coupled via a rotary mechanism of the central stalk subunits to proton translocation. Part of the complex F0 domain and the peripheric stalk, which acts as a stator to hold the catalytic alpha3beta3 subcomplex and subunit a,ATP6 static relative to the rotary elents.
"Complete sequencing and characterization of 21,243 full-length human cDNAs."Ota T., Suzuki Y., Nishikawa T., Otsuki T., Sugiyama T., Irie R., Wakamatsu A., Hayashi K., Sato H., Nagai K., Kimura K., Makita H., Sekine M., Obayashi M., Nishi T., Shibahara T., Tanaka T., Ishii S. Sugano S.Nat. Genet. 36:40-45(2004)
Research Topic:Metabolism