Adhesive glycoprotein that mediates cell-to-cell and cell-to-matrix interactions. Binds heparin. May play a role in dentinogenesis and,or maintenance of dentin and dental pulp . Ligand for CD36 mediating antiangiogenic properties. Plays a role in ER stress response, via its interaction with the activating transcription factor 6 alpha (ATF6) which produces adaptive ER stress response factors .
Homo sapiens protein coding cDNA.Totoki Y., Toyoda A., Takeda T., Sakaki Y., Tanaka A., Yokoyama S., Ohara O., Nagase T., Kikuno R.F. Analysis of the DNA sequence and duplication history of human chromosome 15.Zody M.C., Garber M., Sharpe T., Young S.K., Rowen L., O'Neill K., Whittaker C.A., Kamal M., Chang J.L., Cuomo C.A., Dewar K., FitzGerald M.G., Kodira C.D., Madan A., Qin S., Yang X., Abbasi N., Abouelleil A. , Arachchi H.M., Baradarani L., Birditt B., Bloom S., Bloom T., Borowsky M.L., Burke J., Butler J., Cook A., DeArellano K., DeCaprio D., Dorris L. III, Dors M., Eichler E.E., Engels R., Fahey J., Fleetwood P., Friedman C., Gearin G., Hall J.L., Hensley G., Johnson E., Jones C., Kamat A., Kaur A., Locke D.P., Madan A., Munson G., Jaffe D.B., Lui A., Macdonald P., Mauceli E., Naylor J.W., Nesbitt R., Nicol R., O'Leary S.B., Ratcliffe A., Rounsley S., She X., Sneddon K.M.B., Stewart S., Sougnez C., Stone S.M., Topham K., Vincent D., Wang S., Zimmer A.R., Birren B.W., Hood L., Lander E.S., Nusbaum C.Nature 440:671-675(2006)
Research Topic:Cell Adhesion