Gluconolactonase with low activity towards other sugar lactones, including gulonolactone and galactonolactone. Catalyzes a key step in ascorbic acid (vitamin C) biosynthesis. Can also hydrolyze diisopropyl phosphorofluoridate and phenylacetate (in vitro). Calcium-binding protein. Modulates Ca2+ signaling, and Ca2+-dependent cellular processes and enzyme activities.
"Senescence marker protein-30 is a unique enzyme that hydrolyzes diisopropyl phosphorofluoridate in the liver."Kondo Y., Ishigami A., Kubo S., Handa S., Gomi K., Hirokawa K., Kajiyama N., Chiba T., Shimokado K., Maruyama N.FEBS Lett. 570:57-62(2004)
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