Incorporates oxygen into the indole moiety of tryptophan. Has a broad specificity towards tryptamine and derivatives including D- and L-tryptophan, 5-hydroxytryptophan and serotonin .
Novoradovsky A., Goldman D. Lineage-specific biology revealed by a finished genome assembly of the mouse.Church D.M., Goodstadt L., Hillier L.W., Zody M.C., Goldstein S., She X., Bult C.J., Agarwala R., Cherry J.L., DiCuccio M., Hlavina W., Kapustin Y., Meric P., Maglott D., Birtle Z., Marques A.C., Graves T., Zhou S. , Teague B., Potamousis K., Churas C., Place M., Herschleb J., Runnheim R., Forrest D., Amos-Landgraf J., Schwartz D.C., Cheng Z., Lindblad-Toh K., Eichler E.E., Ponting C.P.PLoS Biol. 7:E1000112-E1000112(2009)
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