Sulfhydryl-activated toxin that causes cytolysis by forming pores in cholesterol containing host mbranes. After binding to target mbranes, the protein undergoes a major conformation change, leading to its insertion in the host mbrane and formation of an oligomeric pore complex. Cholesterol may be required for binding to host mbranes, mbrane insertion and pore formation. Can be reversibly inactivated by oxidation .
Complete genome sequence of a virulent isolate of Streptococcus pneumoniae.Tettelin H., Nelson K.E., Paulsen I.T., Eisen J.A., Read T.D., Peterson S.N., Heidelberg J.F., DeBoy R.T., Haft D.H., Dodson R.J., Durkin A.S., Gwinn M.L., Kolonay J.F., Nelson W.C., Peterson J.D., Umayam L.A., White O., Salzberg S.L. , Lewis M.R., Radune D., Holtzapple E.K., Khouri H.M., Wolf A.M., Utterback T.R., Hansen C.L., McDonald L.A., Feldblyum T.V., Angiuoli S.V., Dickinson T., Hickey E.K., Holt I.E., Loftus B.J., Yang F., Smith H.O., Venter J.C., Dougherty B.A., Morrison D.A., Hollingshead S.K., Fraser C.M.Science 293:498-506(2001)
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