Encapsidates the genome in a ratio of one protein N per nine ribonucleotides, protecting it from nucleases. If expressed without protein P it binds non-specifically RNA and therefore can bind it's own mRNA. Interaction with protein P abolishes any non-specific RNA binding, and prevents phosphorylation. The soluble N-P complex encapsidates specifically the genomic RNA, with protein N protecting the genome like a pearl necklace. The encapsidated genomic RNA is termed the nucleocapsid (NC) and serves as tplate for viral transcription and replication. Protein N binds protein P in the NC through a different interaction, and can be phosphorylated. Subsequent viral replication is dependent on intracellular concentration of newly synthesized protein N. During replication, encapsidation by protein N is coupled to RNA synthesis and all replicative products are resistant to nucleases .
Sequence of the 3386 3' nucleotides of the genome of the AVO1 strain rabies virus structural similarities in the protein regions involved in transcription.Poch O., Tordo N., Keith G.Biochimie 70:1019-1029(1988)
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