Catalyzes the C-27 hydroxylation of cholest-4-en-3-one and cholesterol and subsequently oxidizes the alcohol of the former to the cholest-4-en-3-one-27-oic acid via the aldehyde intermediate. Not required to incorporate the cholesterol side-chain carbon atoms into cellular lipids.
Deciphering the biology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from the complete genome sequence.Cole S.T., Brosch R., Parkhill J., Garnier T., Churcher C.M., Harris D.E., Gordon S.V., Eiglmeier K., Gas S., Barry C.E. III, Tekaia F., Badcock K., Basham D., Brown D., Chillingworth T., Connor R., Davies R.M., Devlin K. , Feltwell T., Gentles S., Hamlin N., Holroyd S., Hornsby T., Jagels K., Krogh A., McLean J., Moule S., Murphy L.D., Oliver S., Osborne J., Quail M.A., Rajandream M.A., Rogers J., Rutter S., Seeger K., Skelton S., Squares S., Squares R., Sulston J.E., Taylor K., Whitehead S., Barrell B.G.Nature 393:537-544(1998)
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