Important adipokine involved in the control of fat metabolism and insulin sensitivity, with direct anti-diabetic, anti-atherogenic and anti-inflammatory activities. Stimulates AMPK phosphorylation and activation in the liver and the skeletal muscle, enhancing glucose utilization and fatty-acid combustion. Antagonizes TNF-alpha by negatively regulating its expression in various tissues such as liver and macrophages, and also by counteracting its effects. Inhibits endothelial NF-kappa-B signaling through a cAMP-dependent pathway. May play a role in cell growth, angiogenesis and tissue rodeling by binding and sequestering various growth factors with distinct binding affinities, depending on the type of complex, LMW, MMW or HMW .
Identification and adipocyte differentiation-dependent expression of the unique disialic acid residue in an adipose tissue-specific glycoprotein, adipo Q.Sato C., Yasukawa Z., Honda N., Matsuda T., Kitajima K.J. Biol. Chem. 276:28849-28856(2001)
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