One member of the STAT family, Stat3, participates in a wide range of biological processes including nephrogenesis, gliogenesis, hepatogenesis, T cell proliferation, inflammation and oncogenesis. Many of these responses are triggered by the IL-6 family of cytokines, which transduce their vital signals through a common gp130 receptor chain . A novel Stat3-Interacting Protein, StIP1, contains 12 WD40 repeats, which mediate protein-protein interactions . StIP1 exhibits an affinity for members of the JNK family and may play a specific role in regulating Stat3 activation. Overexpression of StIP1 blocks Stat3 activation, nuclear translocation and Stat3-dependent induction of a reporter gene, suggesting that StIP1 regulates the ligand-dependent activation of Stat3, probably by serving as a scaffold protein that promotes the interaction between JNK and the Stat3 substrate.?